eight ball




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1·My new job has got me behind the eight ball.
2·The sample application emulates an American toy called the Magic Eight Ball.
该样本应用程序模仿一种名为 Magic Eight Ball 的美国玩具。
3·Simpson's thoughtless remarks put him behind the eight ball, and many people thought he should resign.
4·Will is behind the eight ball in the all-round athletic game because he hurt his feet in the high jump.
5·Now, it's about injury. Gasol suffers another early one, again putting him behind the eight ball physically.
6·Nancy was behind the eight ball in her english exam because she was too nervous to remember the vocabularies she had studied.
7·The main method simply enables you to invoke the Eight Ball from a command line; you will not use it from your web services clients.
main 方法只是使您能够从命令行调用 Eight Ball;您将不在自己的 Web 服务客户机上使用它。
8·I usually bowl with an eight ball. I like the control of a light ball. I can spin it more, so that the ball hooks. Then I can put it just where I want it when I bowl.
我通常打 八号 球,轻的 球容易控制,我可以更强劲旋转,这样 球会走出弧形,然后我就能在打 球时随心所欲的控制它。
9·They play eight-man ball, although if a bigger school comes to town they switch numbers with every possession, so that each side can practice its plays.
10·In modern football, it is difficult to get in behind the opposition defence, as teams are often very compact at the back with eight or nine players behind the ball.
更新时间:2025-03-27 16:16